Monday Memory: Dube and Davison

Type in “Dube Davison” into Youtube, and the second suggestion that comes up is “Dube Davison accident”.  Few figure skating fans can forget the terrifying moment at the 2007 Four Continents Championships when Jessica Dube and Bryce Davison were forced to withdraw from the competition after his skate sliced her underneath the eye. Due to the magnitude of the accident, few people remember how beautiful the program they were presenting was. Their performance of “The Blower’s Daughter” by Damien Rice at the 2007 Canadian National Championships was spellbinding and a breakthrough performance for them. Skating with ease and lightness, Dube and Davison delivered a confident program with exquisite lifts and an intricate footwork sequence. Through winning the 2007 National Championships, the door was opened to their most successful season. After the Four Continents accident, they went on to medal at both of their Grand Prix assignments as well as win the bronze medal at the 2008 World Championships. When remembering Dube and Davison’s 2007 season, one should recall not only their accident, but also the lyrical program they constructed.

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